Research In Motion(RIM)稍早發佈新聞稿,正式確定將會在 2013 年 1 月 30 日在全球多個地區發佈 BlackBerry 智慧型手機新一代作業系統 BlackBerry 10。
屆時,除了新一代的 BlackBerry 10 作業系統之外,還會有兩款採用該作業系統的智慧型手機同步發表。
"In building BlackBerry 10, we set out to create a truly unique mobile computing experience that constantly adapts to your needs. Our team has been working tirelessly to bring our customers innovative features combined with a best in class browser, a rich application ecosystem, and cutting-edge multimedia capabilities. All of this will be integrated into a user experience - the BlackBerry Flow - that is unlike any smartphone on the market today," said Thorsten Heins, President and CEO of Research In Motion. "Thanks to our strong partnerships with global carriers and a growing ecosystem of developers, we believe our customers will have the best experience possible with BlackBerry 10. We are looking forward to getting BlackBerry 10 in the hands of our customers around the world."
依照 RIM 早前說詞,目前採用 QNX 架構作業系統的 BlackBerry PlayBook 是唯一能夠升級至 BlackBerry 10 的裝置,其餘如 BlackBerry OS 7.1 的 Bold 9900 等裝置皆無法升級至全新的 BlackBerry 10。
至於 BlackBerry 10 是否能夠挽救 RIM 在近年來碰上的窘境,同時藉由該作業系統讓許多已經離開黑莓的族群回流呢,就讓我們拭目以待吧!